Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hotwheels & SFS: Give the gift of SLEEP!

I had an AWESOME idea how I can give back with SLEEPforSURE! When you download the track @$1.99 -- I will buy $2 worth of Toys fot Tots! And, I figured out the best way to give lots of kids a fun toy this Holiday Season:
So, for every SLEEPforSURE download I get until New Years, I'll but 2 HOTWHEELS cars for Toys for Tots!
I'll put in a few extra, early so they will be there before Christmas! www.SLEEPforSURE.com

Sunday, March 27, 2011

New SLEEPforSURE infomercial

I am pleased to announce the arrival of the new SLEEPforSURE infomercial. Filmed and edited by Jake Mymudes it is a behind the scenes look at SLEEPforSURE with me, the creator/ composer of SLEEPforSURE. In typical low budget infomercial style, I riff, off the cuff about what makes SLEEPforSURE so effective.

Thanks Jake!